Slumber with the Prince of Anahuaca as Jason reads A Prince of Anahuaca: Histori-Traditional Story antedating the Aztec Empire

James Alfred Porter (1892-1960) was an American-born anthropologist and ethnographer living in Mexico. He is best known for his book, which we will be reading from today, A Prince of Anahuaca: Histori-Traditional Storyantedating the Aztec Empire. Porter spent most of his career in the field, traveling to the remote and mostly uncharted regions of Mexico and Central America to collect, study and publish works on Mexican and Central American indigenous cultures, as well as their regions’ ancient and modern history, language and traditions. Among his other works are articles and books on the indigenous peoples and cultures of Veracruz, Campeche, Chiapas, and Oaxaca, as well as the Totonac. He was widely respected and highly regarded by his noted contemporaries, including Ruth Benedict, John Kenneth Turner, Ricardo Pozas and Matthew Stirling.

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Slumber with the Prince of Anahuaca as Jason reads  A Prince of Anahuaca: Histori-Traditional Story antedating the Aztec Empire
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